“It is only when the mind is free from the old that it meets everything anew, and in that there is joy.”
No matter if it’s ‘Stress Awareness Month‘ or ‘World Health Day’, every day is the day to look after our wellbeing and mental health. So here at Yeotown, we are challenging those around us to think about a 30 Day Wellbeing Challenge. We are encouraging our staff and clients to pick one thing every day to ponder about, practise or carry out for each day over 30 days. You can start this challenge whenever it feels right for you – perhaps as part of a New Year health reset or simply when you’re inspired to try a new wellbeing practice. Ideas are below, let us know how you get on:
- Sleep – Start a sleep ritual. What does your sleep hygiene look like? Having a proper sleep routine can make a huge difference, whether going to sleep earlier, turning our phones off in the evening, or creating a restful environment at home.
- Meditation – Whether it’s mindfulness or just some quiet time being present, carve out a few minutes of sit and be one with the now.
- Exercise – When you exercise, you release endorphins into your brain. This makes you feel happy and energised. Whether you walk, run, or skip, find a physical activity that you love to do.
- Nature – Perhaps some forest bathing or a long walk on the beach to get some fresh air in the lungs or make a plan to do a hike somewhere new!
- Goal setting – Is there something you would like to do for yourself today? Having a goal to work towards can help with motivation, staying on task, and perhaps some excitement to complete.
- Journaling – track your mood, notice the internal monologue of your brain. Try sitting at the pages and just see what comes up in your writing. Keeping a mood/emotion journal can be a valuable way to get to the root of lingering negative feelings (and increase positive ones).
- Sunshine – Go outside and get that vitamin D; try and catch the morning rays for at least 20 minutes before 11am.
- Non – Judgement – Change is the only constant thing we can expect in life. Practising non-attachment and non-judgment when things don’t go according to plan may ease a heavy load.
- Do something for someone else – Ask someone close to you or in need. What can I do to help today? Acts of serving others can really increase wellbeing.
- Be creative – Perhaps do some doodling, get the old watercolours out, do something creative with your children, try some crafty – the list is endless.
- Acceptance – It is okay to be angry, stressed, and sad sometimes. Create a safe space where you can allow yourself to feel the journey of good and bad emotions.
- Listen to music – put on that old tune that makes you dance and sing or gives you energy! Curate a playlist of tunes that increase your vitality.
- Find a positive release of tension – Finding a healthy way to release built-up tension and stress is great to reduce anxiety. Watching sports with friends, exercising, practising a new recipe or writing out all your feelings are just a few ways to free yourself from negative thoughts. Do what you love! Learn a few internal and external coping mechanisms for stress to aid you to release yourself from tension.
- Join a community group – Always wanted to try something new? Perhaps there’s a sport you used to love at school? Find your collective of like-minded people and spend some quality time connecting on a mutual level.
- Caregiving – Looking after something can give added meaning to your life. Adopt an animal? Or perhaps buying a plant first!
- Volunteer – For a charity or raise money for a good cause. Perhaps get your colleagues or family involved in a cause that you care about.
- Food – Improve your diet in some way. Perhaps it’s about cutting down on those sugary drinks or trying a new healthy recipe. Take note of your gut health and choose foods that support that.
- Friendships – Invest in positive relationships. Friendships are one of the best things about being human. However, you shouldn’t be leaving an interaction with a friend feeling exhausted, stressed, or sad. If you feel that a relationship is taking too much toll on your mental health, take a step back. And cultivate friendships that help you be the best you.
- Self Care/ Self Love – Focus on your strengths. What’s the best thing about you? What are your favourite parts? Self-worth, self-care and self-love are essential. How best can you approach that today? Maybe you might like to write a few positive affirmations to cultivate self-love.
- Talking therapy – Don’t be afraid to ask for help. When times are tough, we often feel that we must be brave. It is okay to ask for professional help during these times. If you feel like you are struggling with your mental health, talking to a professional can be life-changing. They will be able to help you create a detailed mental health plan and work with you until you feel like you are back on track. If you constantly feel down or stressed for over 2 weeks, it may be time to talk to a professional.
- Create an oasis/sanctuary. Where is your little sanctuary that you have just for yourself? Finding a stress-free environment just to relax is incredibly helpful to relieve anxiety. Perhaps invest in a little mediation cushion or create a designated space in your bedroom, garden, or just find your favourite park bench.
- Find your passion – And if you don’t know what it is. Why not take some time to find out and explore what fills you with passion and drive. Book a course, listen to a podcast, find a mentor, and explore your passions.
- Laughter – What makes you smile? Who or what is funny in your book? Perhaps go see a live comedian or watch some humour movie with loved ones.
- Be present – What is going on for you right now? How do you feel in your mind/body/spirit? What do you need? Notice what you can see, hear, taste, smell, touch.
- Gratitude – List all the things you are grateful for in your life and give thanks.
- Stretch – Warm-up for the day, at the end of the day or before a big meeting. The positives to stretching are an increased blood flow, an increase in your range of movement, and it can help stop pain. Why not try some yoga or pilates?
- Breathe – Let’s look at your lung capacity. Notice what your body feels like when you take 10 deep inhales and exhales. Perhaps look up some breathing techniques on youtube? Or, why not try the 4/7/8 technique: Inhale through your nose for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 7, exhale completely through your mouth making a whoosh sound for a count of 8. Do this for a set of 10 times.
- Organise – Sort something out, give some clothes to a charity, clear that pile of books or declutter your kitchen. Organise something that just isn’t working well for you right now.
- Read – Create a book list, maybe put down the intense research papers and find something fictional to get yourself into. Fiction helps people develop empathy, theory of mind, and critical thinking. Or perhaps there’s a book that’s been staring at you from the bookcase for a few months, why not give it a quick read?
- Body Pampering– How is your immune system doing? Your skin? Your digestion? Plan a massage, try some new supplements or get a new moisturiser. What does your body need to perform well? Maybe carve out some time and get those treatments booked in.
Focusing and structuring the mind can be a challenging task, but the rewards are extensive. For a more holistic approach to wellbeing, why not join one of our 5-day health retreats in Devon or Madeira? Find out more below.