Autumn is the time of year when change surrounds us. It is a transitional time when we should take the lead from mother nature and get in sync with what she demonstrates so effortlessly. At this time of year there is a perfect balance of daylight and night, light and dark, and this subtle balance creates the perfect environment for us to take stock and reflect on where we find ourselves.
In the past it would have been a time to store the abundance found in nature and create stability in a very literal sense for the winter months approaching. And while we no longer need to worry about hoarding food, creating warmth and building shelter we can still heed the examples played out for us in nature. As the leaves begin to change colour and fall from the trees we are reminded of the necessity of letting go and moving on. Change can be daunting and uncertainty can be scary but remember, if you change nothing, nothing can change. Change can also be liberating, exhilarating, an adventure and exploration.
“If you want something you’ve never had you have to do something you’ve never done”
This is the perfect time to study something new, schools and colleges reopen their doors and invite you to learn with them. It is so important to always keep learning, there are so many wonderful things to learn! Why not check out what courses are running near you? You will be amazed at what is on offer. Whether you want to redirect your career, learn circus skills, a new language or how to play the tuba you can bet there are some wonderful experiences to be had and some fascinating people to meet right on your doorstep.
So if you’re feeling stuck in a rut now is the right time to make a change, say yes to new experiences, get balanced and go have some fun!