If there’s a swell here on the North Devon Atlantic coast then you can be sure that just like thousands of others who’ve discovered a passion for surfing, I’ll be re-jigging my work and family diary to make sure I get out on my board and make the most of those waves.
Surfing’s a lot like yoga – great for overall fitness and flexibility, feeling more connected with the world around you, especially the natural world, and for just feeling more alive and confident.
People often tell me how much they would love to learn to surf but feel like maybe their time has come and gone to “ride the waves” so to speak. I always tell them that I only started surfing seriously a decade ago so I really do know what it’s like to take it up when you’re not a kid anymore and can promise you it’s a great way to stay looking and feeling young. It doesn’t matter whether you come to surfing as a fearless young child or a more trepidatious grown up – persevere with it and you’ll be hooked. Read below for my five top surfing tips!
My top 5 ways to get surf ready this Summer:
*Start off with a soft top surf board. it’ll hurt less when you’re learning and may get hit by your own board and won’t hurt as much when you fall (which you will). As you improve, your board will get shorter and harder.
*Find an empty stretch of beach to get going. When you’re starting out, you don’t want the worry that someone else may surf into you or that you might hit another surfer.
*Practice your ‘Pop Ups’. that action of springing up from your knees to a standing position on your board – on the beach before you head into the water. You can add your Pop Ups practice on to the end of your pre-water warm up.
*Look & Learn. Lots of beginners throw themselves (and their boards) headlong into the oncoming waves and then wonder why they’re exhausted by the time they get out back. Watch experienced surfers and see how they manage the waves.
*HAVE FUN!!!!! You can’t learn to surf in an afternoon but you can start to get a feel for it and begin to practice the moves that will, if you stick with it, allow you to get out into the water and really experience the joy of surfing for yourself.